F. Purwanto(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Historical-critical method had a particular place in the renewal of theology
at the dawn of the Second Vatican Council. This method brings theology into
a direct contact with the sources investigated. Such a step enables theology to
rediscover the richness of the life of the Church, altogether with its development
and limitations. Gustave Thils, a Belgian theologian, who participated in the
discussions during the Council on the topic of ecumenism, the Episcopal service
and Roman Pontiff, as well as the discussion of the Scheme XIII, made use this
method in his theological adventure. This approach provides a firm basis for
a theological hermeneutic. Historical-critical method enables theology to be
liberated from fundamentalism and liberalism tendencies. A development of
understanding which is slow but sure is well supported by this method.

Full Text:



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