Didakhe: Pengajaran Kedua Belas Rasul Sebuah Pengantar

F.X. Didik Bagiyowinadi


Didache is not a canonical book, but it is one of the classical literatures of the
early Church. From this book, we can explore the morality dan liturgical praxis
of the early Church. This study will attempt to represent the content of Didache
that give many details of The Two Way, the way of life and the way of death,
as the prebaptismal catecheses and how the community of Didache practice the
baptismal rites and Eucharist prayer. This study will search also the relation
between Didache and the gospel of Matthew and whether both of them are from
the same community. We can find that the community of Didache and Matthew
are from the same Jewish Christian background, but they are different when
apply the Moses Law in their daily Christian life.

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