Wacana Paulus di Atena (Kis 17:22-31) sebagai Tawaran Model Pertobatan Resiprokal bagi Gereja dan Budaya Setempat

R.F. Bhanu Viktorahadi(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Church in Indonesia is still regarded a foreign entity in the midst of the larger
society where it stands. It comes to happen because the church is often considered
of not willing to open herself to create a dialogue with the society. In this case,
Pauls experience in Athen (Acts 17:22-31) could perhaps become inspiration for the
Church in building a sincere dialogue with her circumstance. In his conversation
with the Athenians, Paul succesfully made use of the elements which actually
belong to the background of his partners as a means for proclaiming Jesus Christ.
By doing this, at the same time, he placed the Athenians as his equal partners of
dialogue. Creating a dialogue with others is indeed a long unending process that
really requires repentances from those who are involved in it.

Full Text:




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