Gerakan Stop AAPI Hate: Reaksi Framing Media Amerika Serikat Terhadap Asian-American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Hate

Elisabeth Nainggolan, Clariza Farell Kusuma, Azraa Tasya, Kinanti Nur Putri Andina



Gerakan Stop AAPI Hate muncul akibat adanya framing atau tindakan ”membingkai” suatu isu untuk memberi pandangan tertentu terhadap audiens yang ditargetkan mengenai beberapa kelompok atau pihak. Tindakan framing ini dibangun oleh media-media Amerika Serikat tentang bagaimana masyarakat setempat memandang ras Asia sebagai “pembawa Covid-19” ke dalam negeri mereka, sehingga timbul adanya fenomena Asian-American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Hate, dimana masyarakat banyak menyebarkan kebencian dan tindakan diskriminatif terhadap ras Asia di Amerika Serikat, baik secara verbal maupun fisik yang kemudian kami analisis melalui tiga konsep utama, yaitu Social Movement, Rasisme, dan juga Framing. Adapun beberapa respons atas framing yang menyebabkan AAPI Hate adalah munculnya gerakan sosial, yaitu unjuk rasa yang disebarkan melalui tagar #StopAsianHate di media sosial dan hal tersebut mendorong sejumlah organisasi untuk mendukung gerakan sosial ini. Artikel ini juga secara garis besar membahas mengenai bagaimana reaksi masyarakat yang tergabung dalam Stop AAPI Hate terhadap dampak dari framing yang dilakukan oleh media dari Amerika Serikat.

Kata kunci: Stop AAPI Hate, Framing, Amerika Serikat, Covid-19, Rasisme, Gerakan Sosial.



The Stop AAPI Hate movement arises as a result of framing or the act of "framing" an issue to give a certain view to the targeted audience regarding several groups or parties. This framing action was built by the United States media about how local people view the Asian race as a "carrier of Covid-19" into their country, resulting in the Asian-American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Hate phenomenon, where people spread hatred and acts of violence. discrimination against Asian races in the United States, both verbally and physically, which we then analyze through three main concepts, namely Social Movement, Racism, and Framing. Some of the responses to the framing that caused AAPI Hate were the emergence of social movements, namely demonstrations spread through the hashtag #StopAsianHate on social media and this prompted a number of organizations to support this social movement. This article also outlines how the reaction of the people who are members of Stop AAPI Hate to the impact of framing carried out by the media from the United States.

Keywords: Stop AAPI Hate, Framing, United States, Covid-19, Racism, Social Movement.


Stop AAPI Hate, Framing, Amerika Serikat, Covid-19, Rasisme, Gerakan Sosial



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Copyright (c) 2022 Elisabeth Nainggolan, Clariza Farell Kusuma, Azraa Tasya, Kinanti Nur Putri Andina

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Retorik: Jurnal Ilmu Humaniora is published by the Graduate Program in Cultural Studies at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

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