Yoseph Yapi Taum(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Up until now, West Papua still categorized as a conflict region of Indonesia. History of violence and conflict in Papua were complicated and continuing for years. Endeavor to finish all violence and conflict in Papua, for examples, with physical and social development, special authonomy (otonomi khusus) and extended region (pemekaran wilayah) never meet the final and permanent solution. The question is, what actually the root problem of the violence and conflict in Papua? How to pave the road in creating a culture of peace and harmony in Papua? This paper try to answer these questions, based on the perspective of the roots cause of conflict and violence and conflict resolution. This study aims at designing a model for educating values of integrity and harmony among people. The model is constructed based on artifact, mentifact, dan sociofact of Papua society. Following the deep understanding of the root cause of violence and conflict in Papua, this paper finally propose three strategies for final and permanen solutions for Papua, i.e (1) historical justice; (2) memoria passionis; dan (3) reconstruction of Papuan identity.
Keywords: konflik dan kekerasan, model pendidikan nilai, integrasi dan keharmonisan, historical justice, memoria passionis, reconstruction of Papuan identity.

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