Theresia Yunia Setyawan(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Along with the vast advance of technology as well as the development in the field of education itself, integrating technology into learning becomes something unavoidable. Apart from being user-friendly and flexible, the technology integrated into learning should be accessible and giving learning opportunities for anyone wishing to learn. The use of open source opens the gates for the integration of technology which is user-friendly, flexible, accessible to anyone, and most of all, free of charge. Edubuntu as one of the free/open source software (FOSS) designed especially for classroom teaching and learning is expected to be able to help teachers, especially those teaching at the elementary levels, in integrating technology into their classrooms easily. As Edubuntu is still viewed as a relatively new program in Indonesia, this research is aimed at describing the steps of integrating the open source into the processes of classroom learning and teaching as well as at designing a sample lesson plan that can later serve as a model for elementary school teachers in designing a lesson plan integrating Edubuntu on their own.

Keywords : Edubuntu, lesson plan, primary school.

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