Aleksandrea Tri Amboro(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The world of education in Indonesia face with different challenges that impact on the sustainability of school. An innovation is needed to answer the challenge Balanced Scorecard as a strategic management tool can be believed to help the world education to review answering different challenge in our education challenge. Through literature study, this paper discusses the importance of Balanced Scorecard for the world education in Indonesia and how to implement a Balanced Scorecard as a strategic management system on a world education in Indonesia. From the discussion it is that concluded that Balanced Scorecard is applicable to the context of education in Indonesia, especially private school that confronted with different challenge of education such as government policy, the Asean Economic Community, acceleration of industrialization in the education sector, and various other challenge immediately can be overcome threaten the sustainability of the school. Balanced Scorecard can be integrated with all education phase strategic management vision, mission, goals, strategy map, weight, strategic goals, key performance indicators (KPI), strategic initiative, target, actual, score, and organizational policies and recommendations.

Keyword: tantangan dunia pendidikan, balanced scorecard, manajemen strategis.

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