Josephine Wuri(1*), Y. Rini Hardanti(2), L. Bambang Harnoto(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the role and involvement of the community in tourism activities at the Tourism Village Sosro, and determine whether there are differences in income between Sosro Tourism Village community who work in tourism and working outside the field of tourism, and also to determine the impact of the presence of tourist village on the economic and social life of the community. Type of research is a case study on Sosro Tourism Village, Sosromenduran, Gedongtengen, Yogyakarta. Primary source of data in this research was taken from respondents directly. Data collection was conducted by using the questionnaire method. This research data was analyzed by descriptive and quantitative analysis. The quantitative methods involved Independent Sample Test and Chi Square Test. The results showed that community involvement in supporting activities in the tourism sector is quite high. It is seen from the community who have the Tourism Village Sosro work and earn income from tourism amounted to 57.46%. From the results of the Independent Sample Mean Test and Chi Square Test is known there is significant income differences among the people who work in the field of tourism in Tourism Village Sosro with people who are not working in the field of tourism. Descriptive analysis showed that the economic impact of Tourism Village Sosro can improve the welfare of local communities. While the results of the social impact analysis shows that the presence of Tourism Village Sosro good social impact on their peoples. The existence of Tourism Village Sosro can improve the knowledge and foreign language skills, and can make people more communicative and have a high motivation to pursue a formal education. From the results of the Independent Sample Test Mean note that there are significant differences in economic impact among the people who work in the field of tourism Tourism Village Sosro with people who are not working in the field of tourism. As for the social impact was not a significant difference.

Keywords: tourism village, economic impact, social impact.

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