Antonia Nogo


One of the factors which influenced the quality of hospital service was the perfomance of the officers. Nurse as the main officers had the duty to give nursing direction which included analizing patients needs, planning the nursing direction, doing the plan of action, evaluating the result of nursing direction, arranging documentation of it and participating to give guidence. Some of the factors which influenced the performanace of the nurse are motivation, knowledge, skill, and leadership.

The research aimed to identify the factors which influenced the performance of the nurse in carying out the nurse direction in home taking care unit and emergency unit of the Naibonat Hospital. Research method used was cross sectional study by using sampling 20 of the 48 nurses. Collecting data was done by direct observation to the carying out of the nurse direction and documentation study and quesinare.

The result of the research showed the obedience analizing per system was 4 person (20%), nursing diagnose was 8 person (40%), nursing direction planning was 6 person (30%), implementation was 13 person (50%), evaluatin was 12 person (60%), and arranging documentation was 8 person (40%). Hospital management was suggested to do survey about the factors which influenced the performance of the nurses continuously so it could be used as indicators in increasing their performance in order to resist the quality of services to the patients.

Keywords: knowledge, skill, leadership, performance, and standard nurse direction.

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