Stephanie Stephanie, Debri Pristinella


This study aims to examine the relationship between personality types agreeableness, openness, andconscientiousness with mobile phone dependence tendency. Agreablenes, openness, andconscientiousness are 3 of 5 types of big five personality factors. Addiction is maladaptive patternof using cellphone, characterized by the salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawalsyndrome, conflicts, and relapse. Subjects in this study were 190 students from several universitiesin Yoygakarta. Data analysis in this study using Pearson Product Moment correlation technique,with a significance level of 0.05. Based on the analysis, obtained correlation coefficient -0.272 withsignificance level of 0.000 for openness, -0.262 with significance level of 0.000 for agreableness,and -0.101 with significance level of 0.167 for conscientiousness. These results indicated thatthere is a negative correlation between openness and agreableness against relianwith mobilephone dependence and there is no significant correlation between conscientiousness with mobilephone dependence.
Keywords: openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, dependency, mobile phone, collegestudents

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