Linggo Sumarno


Most people do not know what tone is being heard, when a pianica is played. This is because they are not trained to listen to the tone. In order to deal with that problem, a tone recognition system which able to recognize pianica tones, can be used to train people in learning music, especially pianica. This paper discusses the development of a computer-based system for the recognition of pianica tones. In general, the tone recognition system that developed can be described by the following sequence of processes: frame blocking, normalization, windowing using a Gaussian window, feature extraction using a DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), and a distance calculation using a cosine distance. Based on the test results using 120 test tones, the developed tone recognition system can give recognition rate up to 100%. Minimum parameters to obtain that recognition rate are a Gaussian window with standard deviation 1, a DCT which has 64 points in length, and also 32 DCT coefficients for feature extraction.

Keywords : Tone recognition, Pianika, Gaussian window, DCT, Cosine distance.

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