MM. Sri Hastuti(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This collaborative action research involved the classroom teachers of the public elementary school Tegal Rejo II, Yogyakarta. The research purpose was to answer a need of skilled classroom teachers in handling an academic problem of students. For elementary schools which do not have a school counselor, a classroom teacher takes a responsibility for handling students problems. Self-development as one of the curriculum components is stated not as a subject but it can be fasilitated by teachers. Based on the classroom teachers observations to their students misbehaviors and development tasks analyzed by Analisis Tugas Perkembangan as well, they developed an academic guidance program: An Enhancement for Concentration on IPA and IPS Subjects. Cycle 1 and cycle 2 was implemented for the academic guidance program. In the cycle 1, the researcher, as a live model, implemented one of these programs used experiential learning approach. In the cycle 2, the class room teachers implemented all the programs.Based on the students reflections, they became to be aware that a concentration is very important for studying.

Key words : academic problem, self-development, experiential

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