(1) Universitas Cenderawasih
(*) Corresponding Author
The aim of this research is to identify types of personal documents from a person or figure by collecting various sources of personal documents; personal, then do good archiving so that it becomes a primary source in writing a biography or autobiography
The problem of this research is how is the process of managing family archive documents into personal or individual archives? how to classify the forms and types of historical sources in the form of archives and personal documents? why can personal archives be said to be primary sources in writing a biography?
The research uses a qualitative approach and literature study. Then the data was analyzed using descriptive analysis tools.
Research shows that writing a person's life journey is a very interesting element to know, by writing a biography. Thus, there will be a lot of experience accumulated; recorded and presented through a number of personal documentation archives. Writing an individual history or a biography regarding a person's life stages and experiences from time to time really requires a collection of archives in the form of documents and documentation of a person. So it is very impossible for someone to write a memoir in the form of a biography or autobiography just by relying solely on memory. However, you really need personal documents which are expected to be neatly archived as physical evidence of your life journey, and when properly documented, they will be very useful and important as original or primary sources in writing someone's biography.
Keywords: archives, personal documents, primary, biography
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Undang-Undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2009 tentang Kearsipan
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