Tanggapan Kenabian atas Nubuat Yang Gagal. Studi Teologis-Eksegetis atas Yesaya 56-66

V. Indra Sanjaya(1*),

(1) Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogjakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Prophet and prophecy are common terminologies in the worlds religions. A
prophet is normally understood as a person sent by God to deliver a message
to the people concerning the future events. Therefore, a prophets words claims
to have divine quality. A big problem would then arouse when a prophecy (or
prophecies) uttered by person claimed to be Gods prophet fails to materialize.
This paper tries to critically analyze the common response to the problem of
unfulfilled prophecy, which consists of a blaming-the-other strategy, and offers
fresh responses to such a problem based on an exegetical work on the third
part of the Book of Isaiah, namely Isa 56-66.


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