Pelayanan Pastoral Berfokus pada Kebenaran Injil Sebuah Tinjauan Hermeneutika
(1) STFT Pastor Bonus Pontianak; Jl. Kebangkitan Nasional 05, Kotak Pos 1265, Pontianak 78242, Kalimantan Barat
(2) Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Pastoral ministry is centered around an activity of sharing Gospel values. Its
main context is faith experience of the people of God. How can these values
be truly integrated into ones life? Life of a person is marked by a gradual
transformation. Ones pre-understandings are mainly formed through daily life
practices. Unavoidably these pre-understandings are assumed in understanding
the Gospel. Hermeneutics unfold a process of understanding. However, this
does not mean that a reader would not be able to involve personally and
totally in an effort of living the Gospel. In its turn his or her experience
will be re-interpreted and transformed by the Gospel. While doing pastoral
ministry, one and a community will deeply experience the truth of the Gospel.
In some ways, they reflect the truth of the Gospel that are peace and justice.
The core of pastoral ministry is to foster the living community in promoting
the values of the Gospel. This community may eventually become a peaceful
and prophetic movement in the world.
Full Text:
Arthos, J.,
The Humanity of the Word: Personal Agency in Hermeneutics and
Humanism, International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2006), 477-491.
Gadamer, H.-G.,
Truth and Method, (terj. J.Weinscheimer dan D.G. Marshall), Sheed &
Ward, London.
Greidanus, S.,
The Modern Preacher and The Ancient Text, Wim.B.Eerdmans Publishing
Co., Michigan.
Christian Community in History 2, Continuum, New York.
Heidegger, M.,
Being and Time, (terj. J.Macquarrie & Robinson), Blackwell, Oxford.
Janssen, P.,
Pengantar Pekerjaan Pastoral 1, IPI, Malang.
Jeanrond, W.,
Theological Hermeneutics, SCM Press Ltd, London-Michigan.
John Paul II,
Justice and Peace Go Hand in Hand: Message of John Paul II for the
World Day of Peace, dalam The Pope Speaks 43 (1998), 219-225.
Kovel, J.,
History and Spirit: An Inquiry into the Philosophy of Liberation, Beacon
Press, Boston.
Magee, B.,
The Story of Philosophy, Markus Widodo - Hardono Hadi (terj.), Kanisius,
Yogyakarta .
Mangunwijaya, Y.B.,
Katekese Umat Tanah Air Kita Menjelang Tahun 2000, dalam Komisi
Kateketik KWI, Menuju Katekese Kontekstual Tahun 2000, Obor, Jakarta.
Morra, G.,
Il Quatro Uomo: Postmodernita o Crisi della Modernita?, Armando,
Santayana, G.,
The Sense of Beauty, Collier Books, New York.
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