Cara Pandang Baru atas Perbedaan Agama Kristiani dan Islam (Sumbangan Strukturalisme Levi-Strauss dalam menganalisis Perbedaan Agama)

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(1) Sanggar Belajar Anak Mandiri-Berbudi, Yogyakarta.
(*) Corresponding Author


In dealing with problems of modernity, religious communities should develop
a cooperation which is enable to construct a system based on common ethics,
which gives support to the implementation of the mandate of humanity, in line
with the vision of all religions. This article offers an alternative of the way of
thinking on the differences between Christianity and Islam.
Based on Levi-Strauss structuralism, there are two points offered in this article.
The first is the paradigm and methodology needed to find out alternative way
of thinking on the religious differences. The second is the application of the
methodology which produces new insights of these differences.
The new point presented in this article are that the differences of religions can
be traced from the reality that each culture has beliefs on the Absolute which
has a relationship with the human being with its implications. Differences does
not mean negation to one another if we can understand the various parts of the
doctrines in the whole context and in the relationship with other elements of the
whole system.

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