(*) Corresponding Author
Feelings are indeed one of the paths that lead a person to be in touch with transcendence. And it is precisely through feelings that the person is able to capture beauty along with all other vibes such as joy, sense of fulfilment, gentleness as well as other values and ideas that it help to flourish in the soul. By way of pictures and sounds movie is one of today’s most prominent means of bringing people into contact with the beauty of the Trascendent in that it specially speaks and communicates through feelings. In this sense movie has vast potentials to become an effective catechetical tool.
Right from the beginning of the process, when the movie is in the the making, continued with the process of production itself, there are plenty of significant catechetical moments, which were described by the author through his experiences in the involvement in producing a movie. And the final result on the wide-screen can be watched, whether individually or as group, with the intent of searching for meaning through interpretation of symbols therein. In particular, the author proposes a catechetical method which provides enough room for interaction, exchange, reflection and prayer, and therefore helps the group participants to gradually go through a transformative process in life. Meanwhile a yearly program called “Festival Film Puskat” attempts to promote creativity and vision among young cineasts to produce movies that would in various ways touch upon basic human values such as human dignity of the poor, unity in diversity, care of the earth and so on.
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