Carolus Putranto(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This age in which we are living, is marked by bewildering diversity in all walks of life. The plurality of missionary situations, abundance of information provided by digital world, diversity of individual and social conditions, great variety of situation by which a person is related to the institutional Church, all these factors lead to a more dynamic and open understanding of the initiation to the Church, which this article tries to put under the term “catechumenal”. On the other hand, the Church has a centuries long tradition of welcoming new members, which is not one of mere signing up or registration, but a long process of initiation and formation into Christian life. It implies a new and more dynamic and flexible notion of catechesis as a process of gradually intiating a person into Christian life as lived and embodied by a concrete Christian community. Furthermore, this calls for a paradigm shift from that of welcoming-instruction-initiation into one of assisting- accompanying- walking together with the new members, as the Christian community begins to understand itself as pilgrim people.

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