H. Purwanta(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Main goal of this research is to understand the growth of communities in Yogyakarta. Questions that arosed are: why the communities growth in Yogyakarta, what the communities actvities look like, and what characterictics of comminities which are build by Yogyakartanese and by students who came from other provincies.The research method used was a qualitative study, i.e. collecting data and analysis. Collecting data done by documentary study and deep interview.To analysis the data, communities activities is viewed as self actualization.
Result of this research shows that existence of leisure and public sphere are very important factors in the development of communities. From activity perspective, communities in Yogyakarta are very rich, from hobby to enterpreneurship. But if we look at home town of their main activists, there are differenties between Yogyanese and others, such as communitys activity and model of relation to local government. Communities that are motorized by students who came from outside Yogyakarta tend to have activity in marginalized area, such as education for children in slum area and environmental consevation. On the other hand, communities that are motorized by Yogyanese tend to have activities that strengthening the characteristic of Yogyakarta, such as art, music and tourism.
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Undang Undang No. 13 tahun 2012.


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