A. Tri Priantoro(1*), P. Wiryono Priyotamtama(2), Luisa Diana Handoyo(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Excellency of farming diversification and food diversification in comparison to the single-based staple food rice and monoculture farming, have been recognized by various parties, including the government. The same applies to the recognition of local knowledge compared to the wisdom brought in from outside; and the principles of adaptive local biology compared to the biological principles that have not been tested locally; and local extension workers compared to FEA from the outside. However, such recognitios are varied for some degrees among regions. This study aimed to assess how far these statements applies in Gunung Kidul region that has managed to develop local food systems based on the principle of diversification. More specific objectives are to strengthen the system to identify what kind of food diversification should be developed to support the local sustainable food systems that are already in Gunung Kidul.

This research was conducted qualitatively by the use of Focused Group Discussion (FGS) as a means of collecting data as well as data analysis tool related to the goal would be achieved. Giring village of Paliyan Sub-District, Gunung Kidul has been chosen as the study site because it is considered to represent the system diversification and farming diversification of dryland rainfed area of Gunung Kidul.
The results showed that the best practices found in the diversification of food systems and the diversification of farming in village of Giring closely associated with the local wisdom that comes from the knowledge of Titen. Strengthening the system can be developed through a learning model that is able to integrate the three essential components, namely the local food sovereignty of local knowledge, the principles of adaptive biology, and utilization of reliable local extension workers.
Keywords: farming diversification, food diversification, local wisdom, and knowledge of Titen.

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