Paulus Wahana, Elisabeth Desiana Mayasari


Pancasila and Civics Education as value education tries to help students develop students attitude toward the values in attitude objects learned in learning materials. So the learning activities should influence students understanding, appreciation, and motivation to implement those values in action. Innovative Learning Model is a student-centered learning model that hopefully makes students more active, creative, and emancipative, and makes them fun. From several present innovative learning models, the researcher chose three to be implemented. The three innovative learning models were hopefully relevant and in accordance with the related learning materials i.e. cooperative learning model, reflective pedagogic paradigm learning model, and problem-based learning model. Through the three learning models application, the researcher wanted to know the influence of the application of those three innovative learning models to the students attitude toward the related values. The method used in this research was experiment, with nonequivalent control group design type. The implementation of the three learning models had influences on the students attitude toward the related values. Cooperative learning model had a significant influence (0.000), with the influences 42.329%, 26.710%, and 41.164%. Reflective pedagogic paradigm learning model had a significant influence (0.000), with the influences 28.515%, 28.465%, and 21.565%. And problem-based learning model also had a significant influence (0.000 and 0.002), with the influences 41.285% and 11.433%.

Keywords : innovative learning model, students attitude toward values, and experiment method.

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