Eduardus Sepryanto Nadur


This writing focusing on three problems: 1) What is called Transformational Leadership? Why is the transformational Leadership of a Principal of a school important to be exercised in the context o building-up the school culture? 3) What is the most appropiate strategy for the implementation of teh transformational strategy of the building-up of the school culture? The theoritical frame applied in the meeting the problems would concern the transformational leadership of the principal and school culture, whereas the date collecting method being used inculuded a library study, and the data analyses method made use of a strategic management approach. The result of this research showed some findings: 1) Transformational leadership is a style of a leadership that stresssed a provision of opportunity enchancing every component of the school (i.e. teachers, students, schoolsstaffs, parents, the community arround the school, and others) to work hard upon meeting the good values system so that every member in the school readily participated and distributed optimally to achive the school vision; 2) Transformational Leadership is appropriate to be applied to develop school culture. For that reason the principal should make use of the characteristic and quality explained in the transformational leadership when making decision concerrning the implementation of the school culture reformation; 3) The development of the school culture strategy that should be in effect in the context of building-up aqualified school culture in indonesia include modelling, teaching, and reinforcing the environment.
Keywords: transformational leadership, principal, school culture, strategic development.

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