Paulus Wahana(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research intended to gain a description of students perception on Philosophy of Science lecture used reflective contextual teaching and learning model based on Ignatian Pedagogy. This research emerged, by reason of the existence of general perception that Philosophy of Science lecture is not interesting, has no use, its contents are only will confuse and also burden to the students. The data gained from students perception of Guidance and Counseling Study Program that follow the Philosophy of Science lecture. To compare the students perception between before and after the lecture conducted, the students are given the questionnaire by similar items in these two opportunities. In addition of closed answer, there are given also opened answer, to give further explanation on the selected answer on closed answer. Based on collected data, in fact Philosophy of Science lecture used reflective contextual teaching and learning model based on Ignatian Pedagogy, gradually gives appeal to the students as the lecture participants, gradually increase the students awareness on the function of lecture, and gradually increase the students comprehension on the core material of the lecture, relating to the reasoning activities, knowledge and scientific knowledge.
Keywords: contextual-reflective teaching and learning model, Ignatian Pedagogy, perception, knowledge, scientific knowledge.

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