Gregoriusari Ari Nugrahanta(1*), Catur Rismiati(2), Andri Anugrahana(3), Irine Kurniastuti(4),

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research was to develop and validate a learning media called Papan Dakon for integer operations based on Montessori method for elementary school students especially for the fourth graders. This research was conducted through a collaboration of four researches: research and development (R&D), quasi-experiment, survey, and qualitative research. The subject of this research was approximately 53 students and one teacher from two schools in Yogyakarta. The result showed that 1) the process of developing learning media ran gradually, step 1 was to develop eight learning media based on Montessori methods, and step 2 was to validate the media, and the last step was revision of the product; 2) the learning media were effective. It showed from the improvement of students learning achievement, the satisfaction level of the students and their teacher in enough satisfy category, and the relatively positive perception of the users toward the learning meadia Papan Dakon. Recomendattion for the future research included determining the exact number of the students who would be involved in experiemntal study, providing sistematic and organized schedule, considering the production capacity, and adding the number of schools in the try out phase in order to increase the number of product users.

Keyword: learning media, Montessori, papan dakon, satisfaction, perception.

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