Agustina Setiawati(1*), Astuti Malyawati Soesanto(2), Chandra Dewa Nata(3), Ricardo Kenny Chandra(4), Florentinus Dika Octa Riswanto(5), Sri Hartati Yuliani(6), Enade Perdana Istyastono(7),

(*) Corresponding Author


Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer worldwide and covers 16% of total cancer incidence on woman. Two out of three breast cancer prevalence are caused by estrogen receptor alpha (ER ) overexpression. Coumestrol, daidzein, and genistein are known for their ability to interact with some proteins, one of which is ER .

Screening coumestrol, daidzein, and genistein as ligands for ER were mainly completed using PLANTS1.2 and Python-based protein-ligand interaction fingerprinting (PyPLIF) software and protocol developed by Radifar et al. (2013). Tc-PLIF value were then statistically analized to verify whether ligands are active to ER . According to protocol developed by Radifar et al. (2013), the result shown that statistically coumestrol, daidzein, and genistein were not ligand for ER.

Key words : coumestrol, daidzein, genistein, estrogen receptor alpha, molecular docking, PyPLIF

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