Darsiti Darsiti(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Enhancement ability of telling with The technique of peer evaluation grade 7th students of SMP N 3 Banguntapan year of 2011/2012.

This class action research aimed to improving the ability to tell of the 7th grade students of SMP N 3 Banguntapan, Bantul with the techniques of peer evaluation. This learning technique is chosen due to learning speaking skill held at SMP N 3 Banguntapan that is not maximum so far, less variative, less innovative and creative as well. So that the abiity of students speaking is insufficient. Students feel shy and lack of confidence when they must perform to speak in front of the class. The way they speak is less systematic too.

Therefore, this class action research tries to implement the technicque of peer evaluation in learning speaking skill hoping that learning becomes varietive, innovative, creative and interesting to the students so that it is able to improve the ability to speak and makes students feel confident, not shy and speak systematically.

The study was conducted in class VII G SMP N 3 Banguntapan with 30 students, consisting of 16 male students and 14 female students. The research was conducted in September -November year 2011/2012. The classroom action research was conducted for 2 cycles, with twice meeting for each cycle. Each cycle was conducted through planing, action implementation, observation and reflection. The instruments used for students are interview, mark list of speaking ability, teacher and student observation worksheet and the result of speaking evaluation with the technicque of peer evaluation.

The results showed that the ability of the first cycle is not good yet, they are still shy and lack of confidence even their voice is still not loud. However, they have high activity and enthusiasm. In the second cycle, the ability of students to speak, students from calm, confident, and are able to speak with a loud voice. In other words, techniques of peer evaluation can improve students speaking ability becames better, calm and confident.

Key words : The ability to tell, Peer evaluation

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