Chatarina Jati Wuryaningtyas(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The main function of human language is the means of communicative tools. Language could improve human potentials, especially in expressing their mind, opinion, ideas both in oral and in written. Oral language is used in communication between a speaker with a listener, as written language is used in communication between a writer and a reader. Therefore, language have four communicative skills, i.e. listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill.

This research aims at describing students achievement in learning speaking skills through integarive-communicative skills. This research was conducted in Grade VIIIB at SMP Negeri 4 Pasarkemis, Kab. Tangerang. For data collecting, I using questionnaire, fieldwork record, and observation. Data was collected in three phase, i.e in planning phase, implementation phase, and reflection phase. For data analyzing, percentage calculation was used.

As a result, I notice that student learning activity at I cycle is 48,29% which include at sufficient category. However, speaking skills at the materials of advanced story telling include at lower and lowest category. Student activity at II cycle is 63,77% which include at good and enough. At the III cycle, student learning activity reach 72,78% which include good enough, especially at using correct words or sentences, in story telling. Nevertheless, I noted that some students was not good enough in using correct words and sentences when they tell a story.
Keywords: listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill, communicativeintegrative approach.

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