The Improvement of Watershed Algorithm Accuracy for Image Segmentation Handwritten Numbered Musical Notation

Kartono Pinaryanto(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


In the Implementation of image processing to translate the image of the numbered musical notation into a numerical character requires some initial process that must be passed like image segmentation process. The advantage of successful segmentation process is that it can reduce the failure rate in the object recognition process. Segmentation process determines the success of object recognition process, it takes segmentation algorithm that can perform accurate object separation. The combination segmentation process developed in this research used projection profile algorithm, watershed and non object filtering. Profile projection algorithm is used to crop the image of the musical horizontally and vertically. The watershed algorithm is used to segment the numerical object of numerical notation generated from the projection profile process. Non object filtering is a continuation of the watershed algorithm that includes the non-object reduction process and the process of combining objects so that the original object segment will be generated. The based on the results of the research, the accuracy of the segment on watershed segmentation is 99.74% higher than watershed segmentation without combination of 94.82%.

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Publisher : Faculty of Science and Technology

Society/Institution : Sanata Dharma University




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