Self-Esteem dan Job Insecurity pada Karyawan Outsourcing

Pande Ketut Bagus Pancadana(1), P. Henrietta Puji Dwi Astuti Dian Sabatti(2*),

(1) Universitas Sanata Dharma
(2) Universitas Sanata Dharma
(*) Corresponding Author


This research focused on examining the relationship between self-esteem and job insecurity in outsourcing employees. The hypothesis of this research was the existence of a negative and significant relationship between self-esteem and job insecurity. There were 211 participants in this study, who were outsourcing employees. Data was collected by using Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES, α = 0.745) and Job Insecurity Scale (JIS, α = 0.723). Technique that was used to analyse the data was Spearman's rho correlation technique because the data was not normal. The results showed that there were a negative and significant relationship between self-esteem and job insecurity (r = -0,246; p = 0,000), positive self-esteem and job insecurity (r = -0,237; p = 0,000), negative self-esteem and job insecurity (r = -0,169; p = 0,007). The higher the self-esteem, the lower the job insecurity of outsourcing employees.


Keywords: Self-Esteem, Job Insecurity, Outsourcing Employees

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