Perbedaan Organizational Citizenship Behavior pada Karyawan yang Bekerja di Universitas Sanata Dharma Berdasarkan Status Kerja

Brenda Narthawie(1*), Yohanes Heri Widodo(2),

(1) Sanata Dharma University
(2) Universitas Sanata Dharma
(*) Corresponding Author


Organizational Citizenship Behavior is work behavior outside of an employee's obligations that is carried out voluntarily. If OCB is not implemented, there will be a decline in company growth, an unproductive work environment, and employees who are stagnant in growth. This study builds a hypothesis that permanent employees have a higher level of OCB than non-permanent employees, because permanent employees have more benefits, higher salaries, and are treated better by institutions or companies. This type of research is quantitative research that has a comparative research design. The subjects of the study were 95 Permanent Cleaning Employees and Non-Permanent Cleaning Employees of Sanata Dharma University. Consisting of 44 permanent employees and 51 non-permanent employees. The scale instrument used was a Likert scale of 55 questions with 4 alternative answers. The study was conducted via Google Form. The results of the study stated that there were differences in the OCB levels of permanent and non-permanent employees.


Organizational Citizenship Behavior, permanent employees, non-permanent employees.


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 Journal of Counseling and Personal Development is published twice a year, namely in January and July, by Guidance and Counseling Universitas Sanata Dharma