Paul Suparno(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research is aimed to know the effectivity of learning statistics for Counseling Program students using active lecture and SPSS program. The sample of this research is 65 students: 38 students for active-lecture and 27 students for learning using SPSS. The treatment is teaching learning using SPSS and using active-lecture method. This research used pretest and posttest to know the studentss knowledge improvement and used questioner to know the motivation and the joy of students. Quantitative and qualitative analysis are used in this research. The result of this research is that either active lecture and SPSS methods are effective for students learning, both of them improves students knowledge, but active-lecture method improves better the students knowledge and their motivation than SPSS method, and SPSS method helps studentts better in calculating.
Keywords: statistika, SPSS, ceramah-aktif, efektivitas pembelajaran statistika.

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