Ig. Esti Sumarah(1*), Ch. Aprinastuti(2), B.E. Tri Anggadewi(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research was motivated by the results of identifying the potentials and challenges. The potentials identified was related with Geometric learning that should be taught by Elementary School teachers. Elementary school students are required to learn Geometry so that the have the appropriate Three-D shapes concepts. The challenges founded was related with the number of the elementary students who got challenges in understanding those concepts. This condition encouraged the researchers to conduct research and develepment about Developing a Modul Prototype for Trainers of Geometric Learning based on Van Hiele Theory in the Context of Character Education (for Elementary School Teachers). The development of this modul used the six steps of research and development, covering: (1) identifying potentials and challenges; (2) collecting data; (3) designing the product; (4) validating the design; (5) revising the design; and (6) trying-out the design. The modul was validated by a math lecturer and an elementary school teacher. The first validation obtained score 3 and the second 3.68 out of 4. The average of 3.34 indicated that the modul was good and could be tried-out and published after the revision. The try-out was conducted by the researchers by giving training to the elementary school teachers at Sanjaya, Tritis, Pakem on January 27, 2017. The training was attended by 9 elementary school teachers. The results of the training indicated that the modul helped the teachers understand that Van Hiele learning model (1) covered five steps, covering informing, direct orienting, explaining, free informing, and integrating; (2) realize the importance of involving the students to observe different types of Three-D shapes in daily life; (3) train the students to develop their curiosity, thoroughnes, and open-mindedness, which becomes the asset to gain scientific attitudes.
Keywords: learning materials development, Van Hiele, character education.

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