Paulus Yuli Suseno(1*), Eny Winarti(2), Wahyu Wido Sari(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research was motivated by observation results of Grade III B Students attitudes and behaviors towards the environment, during the researcher implementing activities of PPL in SD N Jetis 1 Yogyakarta. Interviews were also held to analyze students need, the results of interviewing the 5 students, the teacher, and the headmaster indicated that there was a need of experiment materials. This research aimed to develop a material in the form of Educational Materials of Awareness and Care about The Environment, a merger of lesson plan day one and day two, Experiment Materials, and Experiment Guideliness written by the researcher et al. The materials aimed to provide environmental education for Grade III Students. Hopefully, they are getting aware and care about the environment. Research methodology used was Research and Development (R&D), by implementing 2 steps of materials development according to Tomlinson (Harsono, 2015). The materials had been evaluated by Natural Science Expert, Linguist, and Teacher of Grade III before being implemented. The evaluation results obtained an average score 3.54, so that the materials included in the category of very proper to be implemented further. The Experiment Guideliness were also evaluated by 4 students of Grade III B through interviews, they felt happy because they could read and doing the steps of the acivities in the guidelines.
Keywords : materials development, educational of awareness and care about the environment, Conservation Scout Model.

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