Ignas Suryadi Sw.(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this paper is to consider how to understand the essence of transformational leadership and heroic leadership, and then how we can implement both integrally in the field of education in Indonesia. The study used the literature research, despite also strengthened by the observation. There are five principles or factors of transformational leadership: (1) idealized influence (attributed, idealized influence, behavior, also called charismatic influence); (2)inspirational motivation, (3) intellectual stimulation, and (4) individualized consideration. While the heroic leadership, as described by Chris Lowney, has four pillars: (1) self-awareness, (2) ingenuity, (3) love and (4) heroism. When the both of those models of leadership are combined or integrated, we get a new leadership model formula: transformational heroic-leadership. Leaders, especially in the field of education, it should have: (1) self-awareness and the ideal influence; (2) inspirational motivation; (3) intellectual stimulation supported by ingenuity; (4) individualized consideration and the heroism; and (5) love and the magical spirit. If the leaders education system have implemented transformational-heroic leadership style, it means that educational institutions are also spread the seeds of leadership to the future leaders of society in socio-economic-political of Indonesia.

Keywords: leadership, transactional, charismatic, transformational leadership, heroic leadership.

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