Irine Kurniastuti


The aim of this research was to acquire various studies related to the teaching method of beginner reading and writing. The research was conducted by reviewing research studies supported by additional primary data. The supporting data include interviewing teachers regarding the difficulties faced in teaching beginner reading and writing and observation and informal language test to the students with difficulties in learning and beginner writing. The data collected shown that the difficulties faced by most of the students in the beginning of the school year were mastering the basic skills of reading and writing, distinguishing letters with similar form and mastering the basic skills of reading, especially identifying the ending phoneme while the difficulties faced by the teachers were discovering the appropriate method in teaching the students beginner reading and writing. Besides the technical difficulties, the teachers also reported factors related to the psychological readiness of the students in mastering the reading and writing lessons. The discussion was than ended with various review of studies regarding the applicable methods by the teachers in teaching the beginner reading and writing and the explanations.

Keywords: beginner reading-writing, learning difficulties, montessori methods.

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