Luisa Diana Handoyo


Food security is one of the problems faced by Indonesia at this time. From the ccdata at 2002 it is known that the food security situation at the household level Indonesia is still weak. The problem of food security in Indonesia needs to be tackled. Simple activities that can be done is to provide counseling to the smallest sphere of society, namely the household. Through service learning, students are invited to meet the condition of the people around them, identify the problems facing by society, and help provide solutions for them. Indirectly, this activity can increase students sense of social awareness issues raised in the community.

The purposes of this study is to design learning activities with service learning methods in the course of Nutrition and Health Sciences to develop the character of social care to the problem of food security and to determine whether the service learning activities can develop students social care character, especially in the matter of food security.

The subjects of this study were participants of the course of Nutrition and Health Sciences academic year 2014/2015 as many as 65 students. The research data captured through a questionnaire and report activities that contains the translation of all processes started from the observation, planning, implementation of the program to reflect the student for implementing service learning activities. Data obtained from this study were analyzed descriptively.

The conclusion from this study is the implementation of service learning focused on food security policy 7th and 8th can develop character in the students social care issues of food security,
which is visible from the intention of the student after doing service learning activities.

Keywords: food security, service learning programs, social care, nutrition and health sciences

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