Baskoro Latu Anurogo(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


As an international tourist destination, Taman Wisata Candi Prambanan has to provide accessible facilities for the disabled paraplegia. This is accordance with the Rules of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta No. 4 of 2012 on the Protection and Fulfillment Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The standardization of the accessibility set by the relevant authorities. The provision of accessibility can be physical and non-physical, such as public facilities and infrastructure as well as information needs for the disabled paraplegia to obtain equal opportunities as other people in various aspects of life and livelihood so as to support the mobility and independence.

This study used a qualitative descriptive method, where the research is done directly by visiting the object of study, Taman Wisata Candi Prambanan.

Although the tourist park area is quite declivous with accessible floor that was quite friendly for visitors with disabilities paraplegia especially wheelchair users, but the distance between the temple apart quite difficult to reach for disabled paraplegia. This makes the tourists can only reach the Prambanan complex which incidentally is the most popular temple of the four temples in the area of the Prambanan Temple Tourism Park. The disability paraplegia people rare to approach the temple closely because of the limited accessibility in the temple.

Keywords: accessibility, prambanan, disability paraplegia.

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Undang Undang No. 4 tahun 1997


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