Paulus Wahana(1*), Puji Purnomo(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Civics, as a value and moral education, has a goal to develop all aspects of student, not only cognitive aspect, but also affective aspect, conative aspect, action, individual aspect, and social aspect.

To make a total development on the student, the researchers tried to carry out the lecture using Reflective Pedagogy Learning model.

The lecture was started by inviting students to realize their roles in the Civics for Elementary Schools class activities, to experience many activities and situations relevant to the goal of Civics for Elementary Schools lecture, to reflect the experiences they got in finding good and valuable things that could be applied in Civics for Elementary Schools learning activities. And then, students were invited to do activities considered good. Finally, they were asked to evaluate this action.
Through this lecture, the researcher wanted to know the influences of the implementation of reflective pedagogy learning model in Civics for Elementary Schools lecture to the students learning interest and learning achievement as a whole.

This research was conducted to the students of PGSD, USD semester IV academic year 2011/2012, class A, class C, and class E with the total number of 123 students. In general, the students had a high perception on the implementation of reflective pedagogy learning model in Civics for Elementary Schools lecture. The average was 66.55 with the range of 50-80. The average of students learning interest was in the category of high. The average was 59.52 with the range of 42-79. The average of students learning achievement was in the category of very high. The average was 80.58 with the range of 62-93. The implementation of reflective pedagogy learning model (based on the students perception) to the students learning achievement was positive and very significant. It contributed 45.70%. The implementation of reflective pedagogy learning model to the students learning interest was positive and quite significant. It contributed 31.47%.

If the students perception and students learning achievement were combined, they had positive and very significant relationship. They contributed 63.20% to the students learning achievement.

Keywords : Reflective Pedagogy Learning Model, Learning Interest, Learning Achievement


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