Enade Perdana Istyastono(1*), Sri Hartati Yuliani(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Researches and developments of traditional medicines are costly and timely processes. Optimization by employing appropriate experimental designs and statistical analyses can be an option to make the processes more effective and efficient. However, commercial statistics softwares that can assist the optimization processes are still considered too expensive in developing countries, such as Indonesia. On the other hand, free and open source statistics softwares are available. However, the learning curve to learn the softwares is usually longer compared to the commercial ones. The high price of the commercial softwares and the longer learning curve of the free and open source ones make the optimization relatively not effective and efficient anymore.

In this article, the development and the application of protocols based R computational statistics software in order to analyze the optimization results using factorial design of ursolic acid extract from binahong leaves are described. The protocols were developed by employing some applications on Linux distribution Ubuntu version 11.10 in combination with R computational statistics software. These applications were combined to create a more user-friendly protocol to shorten the learning curve to use R computational statistics software. The outputs of the protocols were subsequently compared to the outputs of commercially available software Design Expert for benchmarking. The results showed that the outputs were dentical. Therefore, the developed protocols here can be a substitute to Design Expert in the statistical analysis of the optimization results using factorial design.

Key words : R computational statistics, factorial design, ursolic acid.

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